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Monday, August 31, 2015

Seongsook's Stampers turns 1!

I can't believe it's been a whole year already of crafting fun and getting to know a wonderful group of talented ladies on FB in our crafting group, Seongsook's Stampers.  A whole lot of talent, love, encouragement, sharing and fun.  I feel like I have a whole new set of sisters.

One of the great things has been the challenges.  Someone would suggest something, a theme, a color, use a particular embellishment or technique, and then many of us would make a card and post the pics on FB.  Great fun and inspiration, and a chance to ooh and ah over pretty cards.  What's not to like?  And since it's more fun to get a card in the mail and actually see it in real life and handle it, and cherish it, it was decided early on that we should do just that and share a special card with one person in the group.  Thus began the Swap Challenge.

Our beloved Cora has been handling them since early on.  Yay Cora!  Every 6 weeks, a new theme is posted and we put our names on a list.  The list is randomized and we make a card with that theme and send to the name below us on the list.  It's been fun, stretches our talents and gets us to try something new every month or so.  I don't think I ever would have attempted a "screen card" if it hadn't been one of the challenges.  We've had great fun and I've posted some of the swap cards in previous posts here on the blog.  I particularly liked the "What my State is Famous For" and love looking at the lovely one from Minnesota that I got from Linda Jackson.  Gorgeous.

Anyway, Cora has decided she wanted to pass the reins on, so Seongsook asked for volunteers.  After a day or two and no one had been nominated or offered, I thought, heck, why not me?  So I said I would gladly try it for the next go around.  Seongsook said great and I was crowned.  (LOL)

I look forward to making a list of possible themes, and a couple of the ladies have already given me some great ideas.  It will be fun to post them and see what everyone comes up with.

Seongsook suggested our first challenge, would be a Happy Birthday Card to celebrate SS 1st Birthday, so I'm going to get to work on that.

Then Challenge #2 would be a TY card for Cora for her organization on this, this past year.

Stay Tuned for the Swap Challenge List to be posted soon.  It's going to be another great year of fun ahead.  <3


Here's my TY card for Cora.

The sentiment stamp is a gift from Madelyn Taylor that I got in the mail the other day, SUPER!
And the embossing folder I got recently and just HAD to use it on a card for Cora.
The little coffee cup charm I've had for ages in my stash.

Cora, we have to get together soon and have a cuppa together!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats my crafty creative card making Queen! Sounds like a lot of fun and I know your group appreciates the fact that you have volunteered, so that you all can celebrate Seongsook's Stampers #2 next year. I'll look forward to your ideas and let you know if I have any to share. Wish we could share a cuppa Joe this morning. Love ya, Gail
