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Monday, September 2, 2013

Steaming right along...challenge #2. Homage to Operation Write Home...OWH, get it?

This is my take on challenge #2...

O = Over the hill (and through the woods).
W = White, wreathe, warm window light.
H = Home, Hero Arts, Right at Home.

Ahhh, the light from the windows just makes me feel warm and cozy in that quiet snow fall, don't you feel it?

I'm loving this VCMP.  But I'm off now to make cards with my besties at East Woods Presbyterian Church.  Look for pics later of our cards and happy faces!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. This is adorable Teresa! I hate to admit that I have yet to ink up that cute little house in the OWH set. I'm going to put it at the top of my list right now. Always enjoy seeing your pics and the cards from everyone at East Woods. Very inspiring!

  2. OHHHH,I love your card! And yes- your home is warm and inviting- I feel like I would be welcomed with a hot cup of cocoa! Thanks for joining my challenge and supporting OWH and our troops!
